We are pleased to announce the new version 8.15, a major upgrade that includes the new tools and improvements for RiverFlow2D, OilFlow2D and HydroBID Flood models.


New capabilities for all modules

• Support for QGIS v3.34.75 Long-term Release. RiverFlow2D, OilFlow2D, and HydroBID Flood models can now run under QGIS v3.34.75 Long-term Release.

• Improved Multiple Scenario Management. This new tool simplifies and optimizes managing multiple scenarios. Now you will be able to add new scenarios, and modify or delete existing ones without the complications of manually copying projects, etc. In this way, you can have all your scenarios organized in separate directories that can coexist without interfering with one another.

• The Reference Manuals have been updated for RiverFlow2D and OilFlow2D models.

• The Tutorials have been updated to make them compatible with the QGIS v3.34.75 Long-term Release and this new version of the models.

• The animations can now be exported in KMZ format for visualization in Google Earth.

• New implicit wind stress integration, versions of CPU and GPU

• New BCs: (Beta) upstream modeled reservoir (inlet BC) and downstream modeled reservoir (outlet BC.

• Numerous optimization and GPU speedup improvements. We have continued to optimize the GPU model achieving performances never thought possible before.

Mud, Debris Flow, and Tailings Module (MT)

• New Voellmy rheological formulation.

• The MT model can now include Bridges.

• Updated Chapter Mud and Tailings Model in the user manual.

Sediment Transport Module (ST)

• The ST model can now include Bridges.

OilFlow2D on Land Model

• New Bottom Shear Layer (BSL) model for oil flow over water.  This is a major new feature that allows the overland oil flow to continue spreading on a water body using continuous equations. To use this component the user should first run the water hydrodynamic model to calculate the unsteady velocity field and then run the overland oil spill model. The program will then look at each cell and consider the friction exerted by the water under the oil to add to the spreading in addition to the standard viscous terms.

• Automatic local mesh generation in the batch processing of multiple spills. The model will not require a single mesh covering all spill points but will generate local smaller meshes for each spill release. The mesh will automatically expand in case the oil arrives at one of the mesh boundaries. This greatly simplifies the batch multiple spill procedure, reducing computer times by an order of magnitude and reducing result file storage requirements, since each spill is output to the small local mesh.

• New High Consequence Area (HCA) tool in the QGIS OilFlow2D plugin that allows determining the impact of a given spill on HCA polygons and lines. The tool will intersect the results of an overland oil spill simulation with HCA layers and calculate the volume, arrival time, and many other parameters related to the spill impact.

• New Wetted Boundary Cells control (wetBcell). This function identifies the cells on the mesh boundary that have been hit by oil allowing the automatic expansion of the local mesh when using the Oil Pipeline module for multiple spills.

• New progress bar in the Oil Pipeline Module while computing the pile hydraulics and leek hydrographs.

• New reading function for OILP file, versions >= 202405 (30 lines).

• The OL model can now optionally run with a text window (Console) instead of the standard graphic window. This increases by 2 times the runtime speeds for some cases.

• The Rain/Evaporation component has been added to the OL models

• A new organization of map creation tools has been implemented in the QGIS OilFlow2D plugin.

Oil Pipeline Module

• Changes in the Oil Pipeline Break Model form that includes new fields to enter the CellSize of the local Mesh as well as the H/V relationship of the rectangle that defines the Domain Outline.

OilFlow2D on Water Model

• Containment boom component for OilFlow2D. In this version, the booms can move at a velocity set by the user to allow simulations of booms that are dragged by tug boats.

• The software can now generate mp4 animations of the oil particle trajectories both forward and backward in time. The animations can be automatically created after each run using the bat files: CreateMP4ParticleAnimation.BAT and CreateMP4ParticleInverseAnimation.BAT

• A new organization of map creation tools has been implemented in the QGIS OilFlow2D plugin.

• Two new maps can now be generated in the QGIS OilFlow2D plugin for the Oil Spill on Water model: Oil arrival time and Maximum Oil Volume.