The Urban Drainage (UD) model for QGIS GUI integrates the capabilities of the EPA-SWMM* Storm Drain model with RiverFlow2D model. This allows performing simulations of urban flooding with full and dynamic interaction of the surface runoff with the storm drain network routing. Presently, the UD module does not integrate surface water quality with the SWMM water quality option. You can integrate existing pipe network SWMM 5.1 projects with RiverFlow2D meshes developed to simulate rainfall, infiltration, flow along streets, considering weirs, gates, and other urban structures. The flow exchange can be in both directions including manhole overflows that bring inflow onto the surface water mesh, and inflow from the surface into the storm drain network.
What can you simulate with RiverFlow2D UD ?
Routing of external inflows through a drainage system network of pipes.
Handle networks of unlimited size
Use a wide variety of standard closed conduit shapes
Dynamic external flows inputs from surface runoff
Model various flow regimes, such as surcharging, and reverse flow
Storm sewer – Surface water runoff exchange
Empirical discharge formulas to consider different storm sewer inlet types. New 2025
Polygon rainfall capture areas. Option to convey all rainfall amounts occurring on a user defined area to be linked to specific storm drain manholes. New 2025
Why choosing RiverFlow2D ST for erosion and deposition assessments ?
Full two-dimensional equations on flexible meshes to resolve runoff and routing in
Hydrologic distributed model accounting for rainfall and infiltration
Finite-volume numerical solution for exact mass and momentum conservation
Integration with EPA-SWMM 5.1 model to route drainage through the storm sewer network
Dynamic exchange of surface water with the storm sewer network
Import any terrain elevation data files
Automatic generation of flexible mesh that can be adapted to any geometry and complex terrain
Provides faster runtimes than any other model using GPU technology and Cloud Computing
Output animations and high-quality maps
Fully integrated with QGIS GUI
Online training and technical support
(*) EPA-SWMM is an open source model developed by the Environmental Protraction Agency of the United States of America.