The Sediment Transport (ST) module for QGIS and SMS(*) GUIs is an add-on software that complements RiverFlow2D hydrodynamic computations with capabilities to simulate erosion and deposition in rivers and estuaries. The ST module includes formulations that consider transport of fine sediment in suspension, coarser sediment using bed load approach, and combined suspended and bed load transport. It provides options to use multiple sediment size fractions, and interaction with the bed material keeping track of the evolution of bed fractions.  The RiverFlow2D ST model is the right combination to assess impact of designs to control erosion in rivers, river reach geomorphologic analyses for restoration assessments and evaluating the evolution of the riverbed changes for diverse scenarios.

What can you simulate with RiverFlow2D ST?

  • Two-dimensional erosion and deposition assessments rivers and estuaries

  • Determine general river degradation and erosion patterns due to reduced sediment inflow 

  • Evolution of riverbeds with a wide range of grain size distribution

  • Reservoir sedimentation and flushing

  • General sediment transport evaluations

  • Riverbed armoring


Why choosing RiverFlow2D ST for erosion and deposition assessments ?

  • Full two-dimensional equations on flexible meshes

  • Finite-volume numerical solution for exact mass and momentum conservation

  • Offers the fastest computations with GPU support

  • Import any terrain elevation data files

  • Automatic generation of flexible mesh that can be adapted to any geometry and complex terrain

  • Internal Dam Breach component considering overtopping and piping failure

  • 10 bed load and total load sediment transport formulations: Mayer-Peter & Muller, Ashida, Engelund, Wong A, Wong B, Smart, Parker-Einstein, Nielsen, Fernandez, Camenen-Larson.

  • 9 settling velocity formulas: Rubey, Van Rijn, Zanke, Zhang, Raudkivi, Julien, Cheng,  Jimenez-Madsen, Wu-Wang.

  • Bagnold and Van Rijn equilibrium concentration formulas 

  • Multiple sediment size fractions

  • Interaction with bed

  • Advection and dispersion for suspended sediments

  • Exner equation for bed load erosion and deposition

  • Bed granulometry different from the sediment inflows

  • Couple or decoupled hydrodynamics

  • Provides faster runtimes than any other model using GPU technology and Cloud Computing

  • Output animations and high-quality maps 

  • Fully integrated with QGIS GUI

  • Online training and technical support

    (*) Note that the RiverFlow2D for SMS does not include all of the model capabilities and features available for the QGIS version. Please, email us at for more details.